Brief Historical Background:
The University Central Laboratory (UCL) took off in the early 2017 with some few Hi-Tech equipment pulled from relevant departments in the Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences for easy management and proper utilisation.
However, the present bulk of equipment at the UCL was acquired as part of the University Management’s effort in advancing research and development, as well as need to realise cost effectiveness in the provision and enhancement of quality scientific research output among the various disciplines in the University as well as Nigeria and its neighbouring countries.
The main objective of the laboratory is to promote scientific research using Hi-Tech equipment often out of reach to individual or group of researchers or academics, and make available to scientists, academics, researchers and the general public.
To serve as a hub for scientific researchers/academics referral in Nigeria, neighbouring countries educational system and other establishments engaged in the research development and dissemination of research findings.
To provide world class facilities, research, and expertise through competitive quality service to researchers and other stake holders using modern Hi-Tech equipment often out of the reach to scientific researchers.
Organisation Structure:
The UCL is structured to have four (4) units namely:
- Analytical laboratory
- Bioscience Research laboratory
- Molecular/Diagnostic laboratory
- Statistics Computational Analyses Laboratory
The day-to-day running of the Laboratory comprises:
- The Coordinator (Head of Administration and Management of the Lab).
- Lab Manager/Supervisor
- Affiliated Technologists / Scientists/ Technicians
- Laboratory Attendants
- Account Clerk
- Secretary
- Office Assistant
- Cleaners

The UCL is well equipped with the following Hi-Tech research equipment and are readily available for sample analyses:

In its effort to actualize its splendid objective, the Management of the University Central Laboratory establishes an essential group comprising both academics and technologists with vast knowledge of expertise and experience of the applications, operations, maintenance, data analysis and result interpretation of each aspect of Hi-Tech equipment through sample analyses and interpretation, organizing frequent short/long term hands-on trainings on Lab Instrumentation, provision of bench work space to researchers, lab and bio-safety management, lab risk assessment and the likes.
For more information, Contact:
The Coordinator, University Central Laboratory
Umaru Musa Yar’adua University Katsina
PMB 2218, Katsina state, Nigeria
Phone: +234(0)8025207384, +234(0)9064327673
Email: ucl_umyu@umyu.edu.ng
Website: www.umyu.edu.ng